Thursday, October 25, 2012

Videos about the Rock Cycle, Water Cycle, and Parts of a flower

and a fun one with music

Rock Cycle

Water Cycle

I couldn't find one I like for the parts of a Flower....maybe you'd like to make one?

Memorization for November 2012

Water Cycle, Rock Cycle, and Parts of a Flower
Please memorize before class!

Inspirements for November-Master

Take your understanding to becoming by reading
The The Travels, Marco Polo  Look for truths that can be applied to your life right now. Write these truths down in your notebook and share them with us during the book discussion.  Record and bring any questions you have or Ah-has you had after reading this book AND do the following:
Keep a journal for the next month.  Record important things about your culture, geography, geology, botany.  You may use sketches, words, descriptions, etc.  Is it important to record these kinds of things in a journal?  What did you learn?  How will you apply what you learned into your life?
What principle did you learned from reading this book?  How you can change by living this principle? Write an essay about how you have changed or how you will change.
Make your own map of Marco Polos journey.  Illustrate it with the things you learned about from the different places he visited.  Share your map and the things you learned in Master class. 

Inspirements for November 2012-Journeyman

Take your knowledge to understanding by:
Reading Genesis Chapter 1 vs. 9-13  Look up any words you don’t know.  Pick a word that you think is important to understanding God’s work and complete a word study on it. 
Look for a current event that has to do with math or science
Do your own outside research into Botany, Geology, or Oceanography .  Read a non-fiction book at home or from the library one or more of these subject and share with us what you learn.  Do you like these subjects…why or why not?  How do they apply to your life? 
Come to class prepared with a question regarding Botany, Geology, Oceanography or Genesis 1: 6-8
AND do one of the following:
Prepare a Botany, Geology, or Oceanography experiment to share with the class.  Please call or text Sister Johnson 801-888-3860 to let her know if you will need any supplies or a special area to perform the experiment. J
Prepare a report on one of the following subjects (or another of your choice) to share with the class:   Tectonic plates,  graciers, minerals, crystals, rocks, plant classifications, trees, flowers, habitats, deserts, rain forests, herbs, photosynthesis, oceans, sea vents, ocean currents, waves, tides, geological-dating, earth structure, earthquakes, erosion.  Make sure you share why what you learned is important in your report
Read The Travels of Marco Polo by:  and give us a short oral book report during class.  What was your favorite part?  How did your understanding of explorers, geography, the silk road, and the Chinese increase by reading this book?  How did this relate to Botany, Geology, Oceanography?  Did you enjoy the book…why or why not?  Share your favorite quotes from the book.
Teach us at vanguard about the Rock Cycle (please sign up)
Teach us at Vanguard about the Water Cycle  (please sign up)
Teach us at Vanguard about the Parts of a Flower (please sign up)
Start your own herb garden in an indoor pot.  Share which herbs you planted and why.  Document growth and harvest, and what you are learning about herbs.
Begin a rock collection.  How many different rock and minerals can you collect?  Label them and share with the class.  What did you learn about the different types of rocks?
Plan a visit to the ocean.  Where will you go?  What will you do while you are there?  What do you want to see?  Make a goal to complete your visit.  Share with us what you learn.

Inspirements for November 2012-Apprentice

Join me and let’s gain some knowledge by doing the following:
Read The Journey of Al & Gebra to the Land of Algebra chapter….  The Third Kingdom
Read Novembers reading under Medieval Math in the files section of the yahoo group
Read from the following links to learn more about Arabic mathematics
If you can get it...Read from Mathemeticians are people too Vol 2 the chapter on Omar Khayyam  A Fortune Shared
If you own it….Read The Joy of Mathematics vignettes pg, 17 pg 210, and pg 136
Come to class prepared with a question of something you didn’t understand or something you are curious about and want to ask others
Report to your parent or mentor about how you are doing on your math goals for this year.
AND do one (or more) of the following:
Do some additional research at the library or on the internet and see what you can find about Omar Kyayyam, Abu I-Rayham al-Burini, or al-Khwarizmi...share with the class what you learned.
Create a graphic summary of events or people that you learned about from your reading. 
Make a skit, art project, beat-box, poem, presentation on an arabic mathematician or subject you learned about from your reading.
Read the book The Man Who Counted by Malba Tahan: (for all you over achievers).  Share what you learn with us.
Look up definitions for the following vocabulary words:   axioms, commutative property, associative property, integer, natural, whole, rational, additive property, absolute, cube, square, quadratic, equation, algorithm, variable, null, power, linear.  Pick one to do a word study on.
Plan a sports event for the vanguard group to do during class similar to the one in Al & Gebra.  If you can use positive and negative numbers in your game.
Make your own cartoon explaining a math concept you have been learning about.
Volunteer to help teach a math moment to the class, or lead a discussion ….Sister Johnson has lots of ideas or you can use the Joy of Mathematics vignettes to inspire us.  Please let Sister Johnsons know if you are interested in doing this. 

November Math Challenge

Look for patterns all around you!

Some places to Look:
...oh, yea....and Math! :)

Science Verse

Share your science verse poems with us!