Thursday, January 23, 2014

Eureka Apprentice February

Read all of the following:

Davinci Excerpt #5

Scientist/Mathematician: The Professor Who Did Not Know. Joseph Louis Lagrange (Mathematicians are People too)

Eureka Packet: Volcano's

Job Chapter 1 (in the Old Testament)

Memorization:  work on memorizing the poem and scripture for the month

Create a Volcano, or another experiment about pressure. Share with the group your volcano or experiment (no explosions or fire in the church building!...all explosions must be outside...Please make sure that will work with your experiment) What scientific principles did you learn? What application does this experiment have to your life?


Create: Research about one of the following topics: underwater volcano's, volcano's under glaciers, volcano's on other planets, igneous rock, magma, crystallization, geothermal energy, lava, current active volcano's, volcano monitoring technology, vulcanologist's, or another earth science topic you are interested in. Please come to class prepare to give us a presentation on your topic.

Think About: Complete a word study on Opposition or Resistance Why do we need opposition in our life? Why is opposition important? What do we learn from opposition? How can you “see” opposition differently? What are some opposites you are struggling with? In what sciences do we see opposition demonstrated? Do you think opposition is a principle? Why or why not? Is Resistance good or bad? Is Resistance important? Are you giving or receiving any Resistance in your life right now? In what sciences do we see Resistance demonstrated? Do you think resistance is a principle? Why or why not?


Continue working on your chosen project for this month. This is the application part of apprentice (applying principles to ourselves.) Keep working on it. This week assignment is to write what you have learned from doing your project. Send me an email with your thoughts or bring me a little paragraph to class.

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